Friday, April 16, 2010

Sugar & Spice

Watched - 4/16/2010
Rating - High ***

Summary -

Jack and Diane were lovers, two crazy kids living in the heartlands (Gee, and John Mellencamp didn't get any writing or soundtrack credits). Diane is the airheaded captain of the cheerleading squad, who follows her through whatever she does. Jack is, of course, the football team's star quarterback. Diane comes up pregnant and the two are thrown out of their homes. They move into an apartment, where they try to live on Jack's part-time salary as a clerk at a video store. Meanwhile both continue in school - cheerleading and quarterbacking. As Diane realizes that they are not making it financially, she recruits the other cheerleaders to help her rob a bank. Their cheerleader oath of all for one commits them to helping her. They get guns from a local hood, who gives them the weapons in exchange for putting his homely daughter on the cheerleading squad.
This movie is simply a cute little comedy. 
I almost did snoopy dances over the main couple being named "Jack and Diane" (see John Cougar Melloncamp's song 'Life Goes On'). Pretty much the summary says it all. 
The acting was great, the dialogue was cute and fast paced, there were a few twists and turns, and there was some great humor.
"Jack" seems very excited and happy about becoming a daddy but seems to not realize quite how serious the situation is. "Diane" is almost equally airheaded and deluded as to how easy this will be, but seems to quickly realize that this is indeed hard. Hence the "robbery" plan. she is accompanied by her do or die team of cheerleaders, one of which, has a mother in jail whom the girls go to visit and learn much that they need to know.
Perhaps some of the best moments come from the fact that the story is narrated by the "A Squad"'s rival, the leader of the "B Squad" who would love nothing more than to see them fall, as she is questioned in a police interrogation room.
All in all this is another of the movies that would be fun to watch on a night with the girls while you paint each others nail and do whatever else it is that girls do.
thumb up from me!
In my opinion Give Sugar and Spice a Chance!!!

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